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  • Writer's pictureBETCH

Don't Be Manipulated

Question 300 seeks to reduce the City's affordable housing fund, slicing it by roughly 64%. This would reverse the allocation approved by voters just a year ago to bolster critical affordable housing initiatives. This includes projects like the 1st and D Apartments and the South Ark Neighborhood, both integral to our city's efforts to combat housing affordability issues.

If Question 300 passes, it means the postponement of these essential affordable housing projects. Without the funds, the alternatives for obtaining grants or securing financing become severely limited. By supporting Question 300, we undermine everybody’s hard work to address our housing crisis.

The controversy surrounding Question 300 extends beyond affordable housing. Manipulative tactics raise concerns about fair and respectful discourse within our community. At a recent city council meeting, more than 20 individuals took the opportunity to speak during the public comment period, expressing their thoughts on various issues, including the pool and other public comments. It's commendable that private citizens can openly share their opinions with the city council. What isn't commendable, however, is the manipulation of public comments to suit a particular narrative.

It's safe to say that none of these individuals would appreciate having their comments taken out of context, turned into video clips, and posted on YouTube and shared across social media with the intention of vilifying them. So, here's the question: if short-term rental owners wish to avoid feeling vilified, perhaps they should reconsider aligning themselves with those who employ such manipulative tactics.

Speaking of manipulation, Salidans For Reasonable Taxation made some claims that require scrutiny. They've alleged negative impacts on our tourism industry, but data shows a 2.1 percent increase in accommodation and food service revenue from the previous year. Additionally, they suggest that our STR tax is the highest in the state, which is not accurate. What's most concerning is their behavior, including the production of videos featuring private citizens without their consent.

It's essential to clarify that the person they keep misquoting is named Bryant, not Brian, and he can’t afford to live here anymore.

Their actions inadvertently reinforce Bryant's argument that the local workforce is facing more significant financial hardships compared to short-term rental owners. While Bryant has been displaced from the community, they are still here investing in custom printed golf balls. It's crucial to question why they can't present their argument with honesty and integrity, rather than resorting to manipulation and using videos to stifle those who express different views.

STR owners claim to be small business contributors to our community, yet they only pay 25 percent of the taxes that other businesses pay. They argue that employers in this community should pay living wages to their

workers, but the average house cleaner can’t afford the average rent in Salida. Furthermore, if STRs are deemed essential to Salida's tourism industry, why are they unaware that revenue in this sector has increased? The truth is, if one cannot afford to pay business taxes, then they are not operating a successful business. The challenges faced by the STR industry extend far beyond our local tax. For instance, in the UK, STRs have seen a 20% decrease, but our tax is not the cause of this global trend.

What was once a modest underground market for individuals has now been inundated by investment firms. Customers are dissatisfied with unresponsive hosts, excessive cleaning fees, demanding chore lists, and inaccurate property descriptions. Simultaneously, the local community suffers the consequences of disruptive visitors, artificially inflated property values, and unfair competition with the hotel industry, which pays its business taxes without complaint.

STR owners find themselves in a paradox. They can't have it both ways. They can't assert their status as small businesses while evading their rightful share of business taxes. They can't point fingers at other businesses for failing to pay a living wage when they're guilty of the same. And they can't distance themselves from their villainous image while simultaneously undermining affordable housing efforts and profiting off of villainous actions. To gain the community's backing, they must be prepared to reciprocate and support the very community they are profiting from.

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